From Dirty Word, To Saviour

The less you need to think about laundry, the better!

Let’s face it, it’s a dirty word that ripples an exhausting groan through your salon, but ‘laundry’ could actually be the saviour for your reputation and profits! 

Laundering for salons is an essential, relentless task that chews up time, expense and effort. When you make the right decisions to set it up efficiently, however, it can become your best friend! 

Energy and water costs are rising faster than you can say “when would you like to book your next appointment?” An efficient laundry process in essential in keeping costs down. 

Some of the common mistakes salons make are made in the name of survival – taking washing home, using daily domestic machines, outsourcing to expensive third party services or trekking back-and-forth to the laundromat every five minutes! 

Unfortunately, these are washing your profits and time down the drain!

How can Dependable Laundry Solutions help?

Dependable Laundry Solutions are here to rescue you with practical tips on how to launder in a way that works for your business, saving costs, time, and giving you a reputation for luxurious linens! 

First, choose the right machine for the job. A high wash demand requires reliability. A machine ready to take on the frequent loads. Commercial machines are not necessarily any bigger or bulkier than your domestic one, but what they can do is unmatched – a better clean, on a quicker time cycle, with greater efficiency to save you time and money. 

Maytag Commercial is one of the leading manufacturers for businesses and salons because their products are built to last (longer life means less replacement costs) and bring an industry leading guarantee (up to seven years). They’re intentionally designed smart, using the least amount of water and power possible. 

Secondly, make sure you have laundry servicing on speed dial! Contact a trustworthy team who know you, your business, your machines, and are ready and waiting when you have any questions or breakdowns. Laundry downtime can be a nightmare to recover from; a mountain of laundry piling up is no one’s idea of fun! 

Regular care and servicing of your machines will make sure they’re working their best, using the least amount of energy, water and time with the best wash results. 

Dependable Laundry Solutions is the trusted name in commercial laundry equipment across Australia, with the longest guarantee in the industry. They service any brand of laundry equipment in every corner of Australia.

For a dependable laundry partner, Dependable Laundry Solutions is the answer!
Call their friendly team on 1800 629 824 or email

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