This is an excerpt taken from ‘Chapter One: Just Start’ of Just Go For It: How To Grow a Multi-Million Dollar Business with NO Paid Advertising by Jacine Greenwood, founder of Roccoco Botanicals.
Presentation Counts But Not As Much As You Think
Procrastination is never more present in a business than the way something looks. When entrepreneurs begin their business or brand, they often want everything to look “perfect”. It isn’t possible unless your parents are wealthy, or you have inherited it. For most business owners, having a large budget is not possible when they start.
If you don’t move forward because you don’t like the look of the artwork, the packaging, or some other feature of your business, then nothing will ever launch. One of the critical features to realise is that your business will be in a stage of continual improvement. The website you develop will not be the last one. We have created eight websites in just ten years of business, so get something out even if it isn’t as perfect as you want it to be. As you grow your business revenue, you can improve and tweak the appearance of your marketing and business.
Social media marketing is another area where this presents itself. Many people just fail to get themselves out there because they want every video and presentation to be perfect. The person who doesn’t worry as much about appearance and just gets out there and starts producing videos will get 20 times more content than the person who wants it filmed professionally and edited. As we discovered, filming and editing consume an enormous amount of time. Unless you are skilled in videography, you will spend considerable revenue to achieve it.
We grew our brand by just getting out there and doing imperfect videos. It also makes you more relatable to your audience. In a world of fakeness, consumers appreciate “realness”. It makes you more trustworthy, and they are more likely to do business with you if they trust and like you.
“How something looks is not as important as how it makes you feel.” – Jacine Greenwood.
My first brand I started with very little money. I saved what I earned and invested it into my business as I earned it. I printed the labels for my beauty products on my home computer, which was all I could afford at the time. The labels were not pretty, and the packaging was very plain. The labels were not waterproof, with the print coming off over time. It was anything but perfect. However, it was a start. If I had waited for it to be “perfect”, I would have never started. I would have continually wrestled with the belief that not only were my products not good enough but that also I wasn’t good enough. These “ugly looking” products SOLD, and my customers loved them. They didn’t care what it looked like …. they loved the results it was giving them.

The lesson for you here as an entrepreneur is: Don’t let perfectionism hold you back. If you hold a solution that solves people’s problems, they don’t care tremendously how your solution is packaged; they just want the solution so they can get out of pain. So, ask yourself what problem you are solving.
That thought of doing a business. It isn’t random. Often the crazy ideas you get are a direct insight into what you should be doing. You are being “called” to what you truly should be doing. The more you ignore this invisible magnetic pull, the stronger it becomes.
To be successful, there are some things you do need to get right before launching your business. You need a good idea; a solid business plan; and the willingness to commit to learning as much as possible. Don’t worry too much about the small stuff; that can always be fixed later. The most important thing is to take the leap of faith. So, if you are procrastinating and telling yourself that you or your ideas are not good enough, I am telling you just start. You will grow and learn and change, but just start, or the idea will never get off the ground. Or even worse, someone else will get the same idea and launch the idea or product before you. The universe likes SPEED!
“Your dream …. your desire. It isn’t random. You are never given an idea you are not capable of fulfilling. So go chase it and never give up. Because it is your destiny.” – Jacine Greenwood.
Just Go For It: How To Grow a Multi-Million Dollar Business with NO Paid Advertising by Jacine Greenwood, published by Global Publishing Group, 2023.
To purchase the book in full, visit the Roccoco Botanicals website.
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