Need a digital detox? A new book tells how

Addicted to your smartphone? This new book will help you step away from your tech.


Health author and wellness coach, Andi Lew, tells how to cut down on our digital devices to get more out of life.
Health author and wellness coach, Andi Lew, tells how to cut down on our digital devices to get more out of life.


Wellness Loading: Disconnect to Reconnect is the sixth book from health author and wellness coach, Andi Lew, and she says it will help you reconnect with the world by teaching you how to do a digital detox.

If this all sounds a bit scary (turn my phone off? What?), don’t panic – Lew’s book is all about setting aside a period of time to detox rather than going cold turkey. So you can reap the benefits of going tech-free and keep up with the Kardashians on Snapchat.

The inspiration for Wellness Loading came to Lew last year while she was on a press tour of the US and realised “what actually connects us, is also disconnecting us”. From there, it was something like kismet that led to the finished product.


Wellness Loading: Disconnect to Reconnect will help us detox from our digital.
Wellness Loading: Disconnect to Reconnect promises to help us detox from our digital.


“My journey writing Wellness Loading was somewhat serendipitous after a series of divine synchronistic timings, when I set intentions to join someone on a wellness crusade and the next day received an email from San Diegan wellness coach and philanthropist Mike Sherbakov,” she says.

“He contacted me asking to collaborate after we had been following each other on Instagram. I was welcomed into the wellness mecca of San Diego where I witnesses sustainable living with modern day communes and conscious acts of kindness. I felt compelled to pay it forward.”


Andi Lew book signing
Andi Lew at a book signing.


Lew recommends you use the time away from your bright, shiny devices to try some of her mindful food recipes featured in the book (including the delicious sounding lemon and chia seed cake, and green tea amazeballs), or doing acts of service in your community. By taking some time out, you’ll be able to get back to your digital life refreshed.

Understanding your soul’s purpose and finding your ‘why’ are also skills taught in the book, which Lew has experience in as a certified food, lifestyle and wellness coach.

Want to get your mitts on a copy? Wellness Loading hit bookstores across Australia late last month or you can buy the ebook from Amazon or at – just remember to detox after reading!




Have your say: How do you disconnect from a hectic day in the digital world?



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