Did you know that one in three Australasians is affected by eczema? This month is Eczema Awareness Month so we take a look at one of Australia’s most common skin diseases.

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a recurring, non-infectious, inflammatory skin condition affecting a third of Australians at some time in their lives. The skin condition causes redness, dryness, itching and scaly skin, and in worse cases can cause weeping, bleeding and crusting. In severe cases, skin can become infected.
Flaring up and subsiding for no apparent reason, there is no known cause for the condition. However there is a strong hereditary link and is most common in people with a family history of issues such as asthma or hay fever – so if your mum and dad have (or had) the condition, you have a high (80 per cent) chance of having the condition yourself. Other possible triggers have been linked to intolerances to food (such as dairy, wheat, citrus, eggs, nuts and seafood) and alcohol. Stress can also trigger a flare-up.
Although eczema affects all ages, it usually appears in early childhood (infants aged two to six months of age) and disappears around six years of age. For some though, the issue continues on into adulthood – and the issues aren’t just skin deep; for many, there is a much darker side.
According to the Eczema Association Australasia (EAA), it is a common and sad reality that a lot of people believe that eczema is contagious and that sufferers of eczema are dirty. This, of course, has a huge effect on suffers, who not only have to deal with their skin condition, but the judgement of other people.
“We have parents of school aged children constantly contacting us for advice on how to stem the damage that bullies inflict on their child who can appear different because of their eczema and the way it looks,” says EAA President Cheryl Talent. “It’s heartbreaking and it’s a real problem.”
For adult suffers the issue can led to sleep problems, stress (which only make things worse) and even depression. In some cases it has caused people – especially people in service industries such as the beauty profession – to quit their jobs.

One woman who is helping the cause is Caroline Monet, who, ten years ago, created Caroline’s Cream in an effort to find a solution for her own eczema condition. Unable to find a suitable treatment, Caroline created a product that provided the high level of moisture needed for eczema suffers’ dry, itchy skin without causing irritation.
Free from fragrances, parabens, lanolin, propylene glycol and nut products, Caroline’s Cream provides a protective barrier to prevent moisture loss, without blocking skin pores or adding skin tackiness.
“I receive letters, emails and phone calls almost every day from people who benefit from my products,” says Caroline Monet. “I am grateful for this feedback as it inspires me to ensure my products remain accessible to those in need.”

If you have a client who has tried everything, or you are a skincare professional who needs to keep her hands eczema-free, perhaps give this product a whirl. The testimonials are impressive.
So with Eczema Awareness month in full swing, next time you come across a sufferer, make sure you extend the kindness they deserve. And spread the word!
Have your say: Do you have clients who suffer from eczema? Or do you suffer from the condition yourself…? How do you treat eczema in your salon?