The body that owns Australia’s most respected and recognised organic logo, Biological Farmers of Australia, or BFA, has changed its name to Australian Organic.
Australian Organic owns the logo that appears on the majority of certified organic produce in Australia – the Australian Certified Organic 'bud’ mark. It also owns the Organic Growers of Australia, or OGA, sunflower logo, a certifying trademark for small growers. These brands aren’t affected by the name change.
Australian Organic also runs the popular Australian Organic Schools Initiative, publishes the consumer magazine Bud Organic and farming magazine Australian Organic Producer. It also recently released the third edition Australian Organic Market Report that details the state of the industry in Australia.
The name change reflects the business of Australian Organic better, which is to promote organic and educate the public about organic food and fibre, and facilitate organic certification.
Biological Farmers of Australia was the name given to a not-for-profit organisation formed by a group of farmers 25 years ago. It was initially established to support organic farming before moving into certification.
Chair of the Australian Organic Ltd board, Dr Andrew Monk says, “Biological Farmers of Australia was a great name that reflected the origins of the company, at a time when organic as a brand was not well understood; however, now the company consists of farmers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers committed to growing organics in Australia, with the promotion of organics being the core focus of the group.
“We needed a stronger brand that supports the company’s long-term goals and clearly says what we are about. The Australian Certified Organic brand is already well known amongst the one in five Australians who regularly purchase organics so it made sense to adopt a similar name for the parent company.”
The name Biological Farmers of Australia will be retained by Australian Organic and used to promote activities around farmer education. The iconic Bud logo that is synonymous with organic products in Australia will also remain.
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