Perth-based Registered Training Organisation, The Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science (AACDS) and The Lily Room Cosmetic Medical Clinic in Sydney’s Chatswood have joined forces to offer better practical training for AACDS students.
AACDS Medical Director Dr Jayson Oates, said, “We were specifically looking for a long-established medical practice with experienced dermal therapists to train our students.”
Selina Schiedel, practical trainer and director of The Lily Room, said, “I’m pleased to put my ten years worth of clinical experience in dermal therapies and cosmetic medicine and surgery towards training other professionals in this dynamic and rewarding field.”
The practical training component encompasses competencies in microdermabrasion, superficial Jessner’s and TCA peels, IPL photo rejuvenation and hair reduction and now fractional resurfacing using the Fraxel Re:Fine system. Registered nurses can also undertake training in dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers.
Medically supervised, hands-on practical training is paramount for AACDS to ensure students graduate with readily employable skills as required by the industry. Dr Mary Dingley, President of the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia said, “We’re so pleased to finally have a course that provides doctors with pre-trained and qualified dermal therapists. This significantly reduces time spent on in-office training.”
AACDS Director and practical trainer, April Jorgensen added, “The delivery of dermal therapy practical training must entail students having exclusivity to their own patient, treatment bed and equipment. Group training or just work experience simply does not ensure competency in each dermal therapy procedure.”
All AACDS trainers and assessors are actively involved in the industry, providing dermal therapies and aspects of cosmetic medicine at Perth’s largest cosmetic medical day hospital and one of Sydney’s premier cosmetic medical clinics.
AACDS offers a fully flexible learning approach, including online study.
For more information contact the AACDS on (08) 9382 4788.