5 Great Things About Threading

Mention to your friends, I am going to get my eyebrows threaded and chances are you will get asked, ‘what is threading?’ Liz See, the founder of beauty franchise business Get Threaded shares 5 great things with us about threading. These are the reasons why threading is taking over the world as the most effective and natural way to remove facial hair.

‘From the moment I came across threading in 2007 in the USA, I knew it would change the way women all over the world remove their facial hair. It is also a beauty service that WOWS your clients!’ says Liz.

1. Threading is a 100 per cent natural hair removal method, as no waxes or chemicals are applied to skin. Threading is a technique that has been practiced for thousands of years and is an ideal alternative to waxing. An accredited artist twists the cotton and applies it to the skin in a special method to remove hair completely from the follicle.

2. Incredibly accurate! Ideal for eyebrows and all facial hair. Hair can be removed individually or in 'lines' to create a perfect shape especially for eyebrows. It also picks up all the hair on the skins surface, even really fine and short hair that is often missed with other methods.

3. If performed by an accredited threading artist; threading has less adverse affects and will not burn, cause trauma or allergic reactions to the skin like other hair removal methods. The skin also usually doesn’t turn as red, as skin layers are not being removed. Since there is little irritation to the area it is possible for the threading artist to go over the area more than once to ensure all hair is removed.

4. Threading is a suitable alternative hair removal treatment for client’s that are using acne treatments like roaccutane or have been asked to avoid waxing as the technique does not damage the skin and only removes the unwanted hair.

5. Threading, the 'Get Threaded' way is less painful than other hair removal methods and traditional threading. Get Threaded have spent years perfecting the technique to ensure it is as pain free as possible.

Visit www.getthreadednow.com to find out more.

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