Minx Nails on Italian Vogue

Minx Nails in collaboration with celebrity nail stylist, Lisa Logan, have adorned models with custom Minx nail designs for March 2012 issue of Italian Vogue.

Model at the March 2012 Italian Vogue shoot wearing Minx nails

Lisa Logan, top celebrity nail stylist was invited to work with Steven Meisel, a famous fashion photographer for an Italian Vogue shoot. The shoot took place in New York with Pat McGrath, an influential international makeup artist and Jimmy Paul, hair stylist.

The inspiration for the shoot was fashion from the streets turned upscale and couture, reminiscent of trends such as cutting up dollar bills to wear on the nails. “First people would cut up dollar bills, then it was five dollar bills, and inevitably someone would show up with a hundred-dollar bill to cut up,” Lisa explains, “The fashion was all about displaying your wealth and associating with brands in a very aggressive way, and this shoot really had fun translating this into artistic couture.”

The inspiration behind the fashion shoot is reflected by Minx custom nail designs

Lisa met Janice Jordan and Dawn Lynch-Goodwin, the co-founders of Minx previously at the International Salon and Spa Expo in California. Janice had created a variety of custom Minx designs for Lisa to use for the Italian Vogue shoot. “Between the custom Minx and the new line of Minx designed by Kimmie Kyees, I knew I was in good shape when I walked into the room,” Lisa says.

The shoot proved to be a success. Lisa says, “Everyone was applauding and cheering. That’s definitely one of the top ten moments, when everything comes together.”

Contact: SwitchFunky

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