We talk to Megan Colwell from First Things First in Queensland’s Townsville about the skin (and business) benefits of adding internal health into your salon or clinic.
![Megan Colwell at First Things First in Queensland’s Townsville has found adding nutritional coaching a big positive for her business.](http://www.professionalbeauty.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/DSC_0214-1024x683.jpg)
How much impact does internal health have on our skin? And to what extent can good inner health help solve skin issues?
Understanding how food impacts on our health is so important. One common comment from our clients is that their skin feels so amazing after just eating well for a few days. We eliminate complex carbs and high acidic foods and encourage foods that agree with the way our body operates. After a few weeks, we reintroduce certain food groups and the clients then can really tell what foods react with their body and skin.
What is you philosophy at First Things First in terms of nutrition?
First Things First Wellness Centre offers a space to relax, rejuvenate and begin a journey to complete wellness. We believe “success begins with a healthy body, mind and spirit” through massage, detox, endermologie and weight loss.
You include nutritional coaching as part of your treatment offering. What has been the benefit of adding this type of advice to your clinic?
We have now had Ultra Lite as part of our clinic for over 7 years. It has been a very successful inclusion and we have had so many success stories. We approach the body holistically. Initially we wanted something to complement our massage services, but it has been so much more than that; having a one-stop wellness centre that addresses the body inside and out has proved very successful.
![Megan Colwell gets her clients off sugar and dairy and into greens, apple cider vinegar and flaxseed oil.](http://www.professionalbeauty.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/healthy-food-1024x683.jpg)
What are some common internal health issues that present as skin issues?
A lot of congestion issues, acne poor circulation and dull lifeless skin [are an external presentation of internal issues].There are also excess weight-related skin issues, such as stretch marks and darkening of the skin.
In your opinion, does prescribing internal supplements and diet plans give a more holistic approach to beauty?
Absolutely, if we spent as much as we do on beauty treatments and focused that on a health program consisting of good food and quality supplements we would reap even more skin rewards.
Do you incorporate internal supplements in your programs?
We ensure that they take apple cider vinegar everyday as well as flaxseed oil. Both attribute enormous benefits to the skin. Apple cider vinegar is a purifier and balances out the alkaline in your system, plus it’s also a digestive, which breaks down the food inside for nutrient delivery. Flaxseed oil is good for heart health, skin elasticity and regularity.
What has been the feedback from your clients?
Brilliant, most are frustrated that they didn’t join sooner. They can see it in their skin, and most understand that eating well, sleeping well, hydrations and getting the right nutrition shows through a happy healthy glow. Your skin is living proof of what you eat.
In your opinion, do you think internal health is a growing area of the beauty industry?
I would hope so, I think it is a smart move to add weight management program to the beauty industry.
Do you feel that skin professionals are more interested in internal health these days?
No, I haven’t seen that take off yet – I think it’s still heavily focused on quick fixes instead of getting to the core of the issue, which is diet and lifestyle.
![Offering nutritional services at your salon could be a "massive opportunity" both for your clients skin and the growth of your business.](http://www.professionalbeauty.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/healthy-food-in-a-bag-1024x769.jpg)
And just because we’re super sleuths…
We ask Malcolm McLean, founder of Ultra Lite, a few questions on the benefits of adding nutritional advice to your clinic.
What is the thinking behind Ultra Lite?
Ultra Lite is all about educating clients about eating and making correct food choices for life. Getting the weight off is one thing, keeping it off is [the aim at] Ultra Lite.
How long has it been around for?
We are in our seventeenth year.
You teach beauty professionals to be a nutritional coach. What does this program offer them?
We can train beauty therapists to become nutritional coaches, which empowers them with the confidence to assist clients in burning fat and reclaiming their overall health. Once qualified, Ultra Lite nutritional coaches are able to claim health rebates from the major health funds.
In your opinion, do you think internal health is a growing area of the beauty industry?
I firmly believe that this is a massive opportunity for the beauty industry. All that is required is that they must have the training and have the confidence.
Do you feel that skin professionals are more interested in internal health these days?
I believe that they should be and are, but they don’t know where to start.