A5M Annual Conference

From the August 24-25, The Australasian Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine will be holding their annual conference themed ‘Obesity & the Metabolic Syndrome: An Integrative Practice’.

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Themed Obesity & the Metabolic Syndrome: An Integrative Practice, this year’s conference will feature world leading experts in obesity, metabolic disorders and related diseases. Health professionals will learn how to optimise individual patient outcomes with preventative, integrative and anti-ageing medicine.

This year, the conference will cover both internal and external aspects of anti-ageing and regenerative medicine in over 30 workshops. The topics covered include:

Ageing, Obesity & Metabolism
Genomics, Epigenetics & Metabolic Risk
Hormone Optimisation
Nutrition, Detoxification & Nutrigenomics
Exercise Physiology & Sports Medicine
Neuroscience of Behaviour Change
Metabolic Risk Factors & Cardiovascular Disease
Laboratory Testing & Diagnostics
Primary & Secondary Prevention
Aesthetic Medicine (weight management, skin and ageing, technological advances, PRP and stem cells, cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals)

Spotlight on Dr Steven Dayan

Dr Steven DayanAccording to Dr Steven Dayan, beauty is a pre-wired evolutionary instinct and is achievable for everyone. Best-selling author Dr Steven will be speaking at the 2013 Australasian Academy of Anti-Ageing Conference about the natural laws of beauty and techniques in mimicking beauty.

“The brain is pre-wired to sense beauty and constantly make subconscious evaluations of attractiveness but studies show that the personal confidence gained from cosmetic procedures is often more beneficial to overall beauty scales,” said Dr Steven.

Recognising the power of self-esteem and ‘feeling good’, Dr Steven’s ultimate goal for beauty is for patients to feel good about themselves. He calls for all aestheticians to re-think why and how they perform non-surgical injections and fillers to mimic the ‘unified idea of beauty’.

“As clinicians we need to understand the subtleties of beauty through the evolutionary lens,” said Dr Steven, “simply by modifying our current practices and using emerging treatment strategies we can move closer to the evolutionary idea of perfection.”

Dr Steven will also be discussing emerging techniques using blunt lip cannulas and thinned out fillers.

Other speakers include: Dr John Arbuckle (AU), Dr Janethy Balakrishnan-Bokstrom (SE), Ms Mara Bontempo-Ross (AU), Dr Julie Bradford (AU), Dr Ralph Bright (AU), Mr Matthew Bright (AU), Ms Joanna Burgess (AU), Professor Chen Chen (AU), Ms Rhona Creegan (AU), Ms Tina Czech (AU), Dr Lenny Da Costa (IN), Ms Vanita Dahia (AU), Ms Tracy Drumm (US), Dr Coen Gho (NL), Dr John Hart (AU), Dr Thierry Hertoghe (BE), Dr Richard Hogben (AU), Ms Christine Houghton (AU), Dr Kamal Karl (NZ), Mr Warren Maginn (AU), Dr Alice Prethima Michael (MY), Dr Ronald Moy (US), Dr Farid Nassif (AU), Dr Maritza Novas (US), Ms Sharon Palmer (AU), Mr John Petrozzi (AU), Dr Joseph Purita (US), Professor Pete Smith (AU), Dr Mogens Poppe (NZ), Dr Rano Rahmat (SG), Dr Suresh Shottam (IN), Dr Anil Sivasankaran (MY), Mr Gal Strasberg (AU), A/Professor Paul Taylor (AU), Ms Terri Vinson (AU), Dr James Wilson (US), Ms Debora-Dale Young (NZ), Dr Michael Zacharia (AU)

For more information on the A5M Annual Conference, visit here

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