Collagentex Skin Rejuvenation Systems Launch in Australia

The use of visible or near infrared light for reducing pain, inflammation, promoting the healing of wounds, and preventing tissue damage has been known for almost forty years since the invention of lasers. In salons, cosmetic beauty light therapy equipment is used mainly to assist with the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, large pores, blemishes and scar tissue. Originally thought to be a specific property of coherent laser light, new advances in technology over the last decade has broadened the type of equipment on offer to include photo-biomodulation and photo-biostimulation using non-coherent light.

"At first there were only lasers, then more recently IPL (intense pulsed light) and LED’s (light emitting diodes) were introduced, both of which work the same way as lasers in a coherent (monochromatic) form, although with less power. This means that they can only emit light at one particular wavelength. For each different wavelength they need extra lamps, filters or separate heads and attachments, adding significantly to the cost of the equipment and leaving it out of the reach of many salons who would like to diversify into light based therapies," says Mark Ireland, owner of Collagentex Australia.

"The Collagentex Action Spectrum, which uses a Plasma-Arc/Quartz lamp combined with a scientifically designed and patented filter system, allows treatments in multiple wavelengths in one cost effective device. It was designed and developed over a twelve year period in Canada by Collagentex Inc, in conjunction with Dr Arlin, a specialist researcher in the phototherapy field."

Collagentex have been manufacturing light therapy devices for over twenty seven years and are considered a world leader in the phototherapy field. All Collagentex equipment is manufactured according to Health Canada regulations under CSA/CUS approvals in the Collagentex factory in Quebec, Canada, using high quality stainless steel and anodised aluminium components.

Mark has over eighteen years experience in the light therapy field, and through his sister company Solarmeter Australia, has written government approved light therapy training courses for the Radiation Health Unit in QLD, and his portfolio of customers for his specialised digital light meters include ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency), the Cancer Councils and the majority of Universities across Australia to name a few.

Although his first passion was the study of light spectrums, including specialised digital light monitoring equipment, he was extremely excited when he found Collagentex. “Bringing the Collagentex Action Spectrum to Australia to provide powerful yet affordable photo-biomodulation to salons is an exciting new chapter on our journey through the world of light”.

He says although some of the photo-biomodulation light therapy results may be instantaneous, such as glowing skin, smoother and reduced pores and skin tightening, photo-biomodulation light therapy results will take time as they are the result of biostimulation of your body's own natural collagen build up: “Scientific treatment data over a range of photo therapy devices indicates that the full and final results are usually not evident until around two months after the completion of 10—20 treatments, depending on the individuals requirements and skin condition.

“Of course individual results can vary from person to person based on a client’s systemic body response, (health related issues), lifestyle, diet, exercise regime and unhealthy practices such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. To ensure the most positive outcome from any form of treatment requires a healthy and balanced lifestyle and diet, in conjunction with adequate hydration to ensure your body is working at its most effective level.”

For more information visit and mention Professional Beauty to receive exclusive introductory pricing offers on the Collagentex RX Series for your salon.

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