Employee records you need to keep

If you’re a small business, chances are that you don’t have an HR department. So the waters can be a little murky when it comes to employee records, and what you need to keep long after that staff member has left your company.

There are basic records that you need to keep, in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. Thes include:

  • The nature of employment (including the job title and whether it was a casual, part- or full-time appointment
  • Commencement date
  • Salary
  • Any overtime 
  • Leave/holiday records
  • Superannuation
  • Termination of role 

Ideally, you should start collecting this information during the recruitment process, when the potential employee provides you with their CV, copy of qualifications and any clearances required for the role. Add them all to the file, as they may come in handy if an employee is later found out to have been dishonest about their previous work or employment, advises workplace law expert, John Crussid.


There are certain records you should keep, even after a staff member has left your salon.


When an employee starts within the role, they will often complete induction or an on boarding process. “Keep a record of the induction, so show the employee was properly trained, should this be disputed later down the track,” says John.

If you decide to go paperless, ensure you have a back-up of all files, as a technical glitch could potentially leave you exposed. And once you have the the files uploaded and completed, keep them, even after the staff member has long gone, so you can always be prepared if a complaint, question or request for references arises.


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