Let clients know how you rate on beauty treatment comparison website Compare Cosmetica

It seems virtually impossible to compare beauty treatments online. Have you tried? So much time with so few results. The internet has done wonders for comparing beauty products in the last ten years, but treatments not so much. Yet, research by the Competition and Markets Authority in the UK has shown that 85% of internet users have at some point used a comparison website. So it’s good news that Compare Cosmetica is set to become Australia’s first beauty treatment comparison website.

It’s run by and for beauty lovers and meant to be your clients one-stop destination for selecting treatments from trusted providers (you!) near them. The site will put in the time to curate the best of the best clinics (although does not include home clinics) to allow customers to filter through the noise and save time while connecting with the right clinic for them. This means less work and competition for you, and more quality bookings and customer loyalty for your brand. Joining Compare Cosmetica helps you give potential clients quick, easy access to the information they need to choose your clinic without having to spend hours searching. When people are motivated with upfront knowledge about your services, pricing and location, they’re more likely to make the decision to book.

Compare Cosmetica has a 3-month pre-launch offer on right now for clinics, treatment rooms and salons.

They’re an industry first because it’s not an easy feat to harness technology into a treatment-comparison site, says founder Amy Doja. However, it will be well worth it in the end to create a tool that doesn’t exist yet but for which demand exists. “We are the first of it’s kind within the industry (whilst building this platform I quickly learnt why – its hard, very hard to build the website to cover ALL aspects of the comparison.” But it will be worth it to save clients time and bad treatment experiences and give beauty businesses the valuable opportunity to showcase how great they and their treatments, services and packages are to clients they otherwise might not have reached.

“My intention in starting this business is not as a “cheap” service, because everyone knows skin clinic treatments are not always about price, but more of a platform to be able to provide and empower the public with all the information they want for the treatments they want and make it easier for them to compare rather then having tab after tab open and confusing themselves even more,” says Amy.

The platform will compare like treatment with like treatment in an easy to navigate and understand fashion, using visual tools, like well designed tables, to help you easily and quickly decide on which treatment to have and where. It’ll help you find the exact service you want to have at a great clinic.

The site includes advanced search and filtering options, which allows clients to research new and existing clinics and treatments with ease. It also means clients looking for your less popular (but equally as amazing) treatments are led straight to a nearby salon (you), that offers exactly what they need. The aim of the site is to empower future clients with the knowledge they need to decide on, plan, and save for their treatment with you.

How do you know you’re getting genuine recommendations and not just paid advertisements? Because they’re simply not allowed on the platforms as part of the brand’s ethics. “At Compare Cosmetica, we pride ourselves on fairness and transparency,” says Amy. “That means clinics can’t pay extra to appear higher in search results. So, whether you’re a large clinic with multiple locations or a small local provider, we promise equal love – regardless of what level plan you choose.”

Pre-launch offer

Right now, Compare Cosmetica has a 3-month free offer for clinics, salons and treatment rooms that would like to sign up to see what it’s all about with with NO lock-in period. There’s no cost, no obligation, and absolutely nothing to lose.

Compare Cosmetica offers a huge range of benefits to clinics, salons and treatment rooms that sign up today:

  • Listing on our professional, mobile-friendly website
  • Online marketing and promotion for your business
  • Flexible monthly plans to fit your needs and budget
  • Option to pay annually and save up to 15%
  • 24-hour customer support
  • 3-month free offer with no locked in period

If you would like to try Compare Cosmetica, simply head to https://comparecosmetica.com.au/ for the exclusive 3 month free offer, which is only available to purchase pre-launch.

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