The government’s plan to help salon owners manage their mental health

While small businesses – including salons – may be under increased financial and emotional pressure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Business Balance initiative will provide $7 million in 2020-21 to support small businesses.

The Australian Government is providing $4.3 million in funding to expand Beyond Blue’s NewAccess program to deliver tailored, free mental health support to small business owners.

NewAccess is a free and confidential mental health coaching program for anyone feeling stressed or overwhelmed about everyday life issues, such as work, study, relationships, health or loneliness.

“NewAccess is a free coaching program, designed to provide accessible, quality services for business owners finding it hard to manage life stress,” said a representative of Beyond Blue. “The program uses Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practices and aims to help people break the cycle of negative or unhelpful thoughts.”

Given the pressures on salon owners to keep their businesses above water this year, NewAccess has been given the funding boost to better support business owners.

“We know that millions of people in Australia do not access support to manage the way they feel when they need it.

In addition, mental health services are swamped by demand and early support programs are limited. This is where NewAccess is playing such a crucial role. 

After 10+ years of research and development including a three-year trial in Australia and independent evaluation, today the NewAccess program is giving thousands of people in Australia the practical tools to manage unhelpful thoughts and get back on track,” said the representative.

NewAccess is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health via Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Australia, who commission service providers to deliver NewAccess in their region.

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