Additional ARTDECO training schools added

United Brands Australia, the distributor for ARTDECO cosmetics, has added another training school to the Melbourne schedule in 2010, to meet demand from existing and new customers.

The new training school in Melbourne will be held on Monday, 20th September. This is in addition to the Sydney training school on Monday, 23rd August.

ARTDECO National Trainer, Rachael Blackmore, said: “ARTDECO’s training schools have a new format, as well as new content. We’re constantly making improvements to our training school format, to better meet the broadening needs our of retail partners. Each school is conducted with three trainers, so attendees learn from a broader cross section of experience. Probably most importantly, attendees get a lot of personalised attention.”

The training schools now include basic product knowledge of the entire ARTDECO range; practical application techniques; wedding and photographic makeup, including long-lasting makeup; advanced selling techniques; makeup for baby boomers; and makeup on a budget.

“The Sydney training school is nearly full. We already have people attending from four states and territories, so it’s going to be a good mix of our retail partners,” Rachael said.

ARTDECO’s Training Schools cost $220 per person; however discounts of up to one hundred percent (100%) apply for salons depending on their customer classification with United Brands Australia (UBA).

Company Director, Mr Brent Strong, said: “Whilst training schools are an essential part of our training strategy, they are not always suitable or convenient for all of our customers. For this reason, UBA launched a three-tier training service this year.

“In addition to full-day training schools, UBA also offers two types of in-salon training, again tailored to meet the individual needs of each customer. So far, we have had great feedback to our new three-tier training strategy.”

To secure a seat at either the Sydney or Melbourne training schools, please call UBA’s customer service team on 1300 55 29 24.

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