Solaire sponsor Andrew MacLean-Moodie in The Ride to Conquer Cancer

Solaire and Tan Addiction have teamed up to support The Ride to Conquer Cancer. Andrew MacLean- Moodie from Tan Addiction is raising money in the Brisbane Rio Tinto Ride.

Andrew has nominated all donations that he raises to be allocated to the fight to eliminate women’s cancer. “Too many women are affected and too many families impacted, and this is my chance to do something that can really make an impact, I hope that everyone can dig deep and offer their support, every little helps. With 1 in 3 people affected by cancer at sometime in their life, know that the assistance you provide now, will help fund technology that may help save a life. What if that life was your own?”

Andrew has dedicated his ride to his wife, Heather, (owner and manager of Tan Addiction) who herself is a cancer survivor. Andrew who is planning to undertake the epic ride of more than 200km over 2 days has been training hard most days, while the team at Solaire and Tan Addiction are working equally hard collecting money.

The Solaire team are excited to be a part of this history making opportunity for them to actively do something about cancer. Solaire has donated items that can be raffled and supported by promoting Andrew’s epic ride, through their social media and newsletters.

Solaire wish Andy all the best with his ride. If you wish to donate to the ride to conquer cancer please log onto then click on Brisbane or follow the link. Please go to the green donate box at the top of the screen, enter the first and last name: Andrew. MacLean-Moodie. Then follow the prompts to donate. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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