Make your staff want to come to work

If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life, or so the saying goes. But really, come on. We love what we do, what running a salon – or even working in one – is hard work, regardless of our level of passion for the job.

With that in mind, it’s important that your salon is seen by your staff as a place they want to be.

Lighten up
Studies show that working in a well-lit space lifts people’s spirits. If you’re lucky enough to work on a street front, take advantage of the gras panelling and let the light in. “if your salon is in a mall though, ditch the fleuroescent lighting in unnecessary  places, like the waiting areas, reception area and common areas,” says interior design expert Candice Gilmore. “Fleuro light is draining. It makes us tired and cranky. Obviously you may need it in treatment rooms, but were possible, look for softer, yellow-based alternatives.”

Make it comfortable
Ensure your receptionist has an ergonomic chair, and that your therapists have comfortable options for sitting where appropriate. Make sure uniforms are loose fitting and made of natural fibres for breathability. “Simply being physically comfortable lifts spirits,” says Candice. “Why would wan to spend their days somewhere, where their back hurts, they get a headache from the lighting and their uniform itches?”

Sustainability matters
More than any generation before them, Generation Y and Z care about our environment. “They ant to work in a space that shares their passion for sustainability,” says Candice. “And that matters, from the detergents you use to wash your towels, to the manner in which you dump your waste.”

Be professional, yet approachable
Cultivating a hostile work environment is guaranteed to see a high staff turnover,” says HR expert Jane Fairwell. “Who would eat to come to work if it’s a place that people are unkind to each other? Of course people aren’t always going to gel, and that’s fine. But as a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that doesn’t escalate. Be clear about your expectations, your anti-bullying policy and, where possible, keep safe between anyone that doesn’t get on.”

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