How to be a leader people want to work for

It used to be that being a good boss meant having your staff fear you. But those rules went out the window around the same time that psychologists figured out that the best way to hold onto staff was to give them a voice, and let them use it.

Here are some of the ways you can be the kind of salon owners that therapists want to work for.

You’re empathetic
Gone are the days of the strict boss-employee relationship that involved a polite greeting in the morning and an impersonal Christmas card at the end of the year. “Being a good boss means being empathetic, and getting to work alongside your staff,” says behaviour psychologist Angela Feensturn. “By working alongside them, you develop a relationship where they trust you, and when they trust you, they will feel able to come to you with their concerns and grievances.” In fact, according to a recent survey by Business Solver, one in three would leave their current role for a more empathetic environment.

You are fair
This isn’t high school – while it is imperative that you spend time with your staff, there is no reasonable situation in which you should show favouritism. “If a staff member feels that a colleague is constantly receiving praise while their own efforts go unnoticed, there’s a good chance you’ll not only lose their respect, but also eventually lose them as a staff member,” says Angela. “Be fair in your praise, recognition, allocation of shifts and overtime.”

You are open to criticism
None of us are flawless when it comes to running our business, and it would be irresponsible not to take valid advice on board, says Angela. “If a staff member has a credible suggestion on a way something can be done better, and it’s feasible to trial their suggestion, do so. In fact, you might want to consider offering a reward if the suggestion works and brings more customers into your salon or more traction to another area of your business. It’s a strong quality for a boss or manager to give the credit to someone else. And your staff will relish it.”

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