6 Struggles Anyone Who’s Had A Bad Boss Knows Well

Just another day in hell…

Source: good.co
Source: good.co

There’s no greater learning experience to have when starting out your career than to work for a truly horrible boss. While a bad manager can make your life hell and crush your will to get out of bed come Monday morning, they can also teach you all the red flags to look out for when going for your next job interview.

And more importantly, working for a terrible boss helps you be able to know (and hold onto for dear life) a truly great manager when you come across one. Not to mention, their off-kilter approach can make for some pretty entertaining stories…

1. Your boss spends most of their time in an alternate reality to everyone else.

Source: hollywood.com

2. And they throw around overtime like you don’t have a life outside of work.

Source: synced-magazine.com

3. Their level of humanity tends to waver between negligible and non-existent.

Source: workstride.com

4. So it’s not unsurprising you often forget your boss’s real name.

Source: tumblr.com

5. You’d like to say their style is micro-management, but that doesn’t even begin to do it justice.

Source: imgur.com

6. You only wish they knew how much their management style was killing your will to give a damn.

Source: buzzfeed.com

Thankfully though, having a bad boss teaches you how to spot a superstar manager. Does yours stack up?


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