Your salon needs video

According to a recent survey by Search Engine Journal, 52 per cent of consumers will review videos of a product or treatment before making a purchase. For a salon owner, that means that not creating a video component to your marketing efforts could be diabolical.

“The thought of creating video can be terrifying to some business owners who would prefer to stay behind the scenes. But consider this: while you’re finding excuses not to create video, your clients are watching someone else’s,” says marketing expert Alex Black. “People think that to create video, you need to spend a fortune, hire all the gear and a production company, but really, that’s a waste of money.” Instead, all you need is an iPhone and a willing model if you’re going to be showcasing a treatment. “If people are going to part with cash, they want to see that you know what you’re doing,” says Alex. “So set up your camera or phone in the salon, and chat away while you’re carrying out the treatment. Explain what you’re doing, the results you’ll see and why it’s a great treatment. This generation is all about seeing it with their own eyes, so upload the video to your Instagram, Facebook, TikTok.”

While the information-hungry consumers will also be keen to watch you carry out a treatment, they’re also not likely to simply take your word for it that it will work, says Alex. “Don’t release the video until enough time has passed and so you can include an image or footage of the results. Add this to the end as a ‘before and after’ element, and your would-be customers should have all the evidence they need to commit.

That said, video doesn’t only have to be about treatments. Customers want to know you, so Alex recommends including some personal video among the professional content. “If you’re a brow expert, why not do a video of you getting ready to go out one night, and make your brows the star off the show? Walking the talk goes a long way to building customers’ trust.”

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