Are you using SMS marketing?

At 98 per cent, SMS has one of the highest open rates of any platform, with most of us opening a text within 90 seconds of hearing that enticing little beep. So it makes sense that using texting as a marketing tool is reportedly one of the most effective methods of reaching your clients.

According to marketing expert James Connolly, SMS marketing has a higher ROI than any other platform. “While opening rates are extremely high, response rates are also high, about 30 per cent. And what’s more, about 50 per cent of responders go ahead and make a purchase. That’s significantly higher with regards to engagement and conversion that any other method of marketing,” says James.

But what to put in your message? While SMS marketing has great results, flooding your clients’ inbox can have an adverse effect. “At best, they’ll ignore you. At worst, they’ll unsubscribe,” says James. “So use the tool when it’s relevant – to tell your client base about a great deal, to remind them about appointments, or to alert them to a competition.”

Even better, James suggests tailoring your client list to ensure they only receive SMS alerts thatv are relevant to them. “If you have an older client that comes to you for anti-ageing treatments, then a promotion on teen age acne is of no use to her,” James says. “Make sure the text is something they care about, otherwise they’ll zone out and you won’t get a second chance with them.”

Getting started is as simple as subscribing to a tool, such as Twilio, MessageMedia or Yotpo, and getting your plan in order. “The basic principal is to keep it simple, make the message clear, and ensure it’s relevant,” says James.

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