A Full Body Photobiomodulation Experience

For a full range of benefits and optimal results with LED light therapy, a larger LED array that covers a wider surface area of the body will be far more powerful and effective than a focused and targeted treatment, since more of the body cells will be exposed to the light. More coverage means more LEDs and more light energy being absorbed by the body’s cells.

The Aesthetic Bureau helps clinicians push their LED service potential higher than ever before with their Total Xen LED Booth – a full body LED device. Imagine receiving a full body photobiomodulation experience like no other: total coverage for regeneration, repair, recovery and restoration.

LED light therapy provides a completely safe and non-invasive alternative to various anti-aging skin surgeries, neurotoxin injections, and more abrasive chemical peels.

It utilises red and near infrared (NIR) LEDs to deliver a whole body photobiomodulation experience within a fast 8 to 15 minute session.

The red and NIR wavelengths used are within the optical window in biological tissue, selectively allowing them to pass deeply into the skin stimulating the naturally occurring regeneration and repair processes. Not only do clients feel soothed and restored, they feel less soreness and faster recovery after exercise and their skin takes on a fresher and more youthful appearance. Anecdotal reports also include: better sleep, reduced stress and depression.

The Total Xen LED instantly increases clinics treatment portfolios by offering total coverage of a range of options.

Clinically Proven Benefits of Light Therapy

  • Increases cell energy production
  • Optimises cell function
  • Strengthens collagen in the skin
  • Anti-aging effects on skin
  • Increases antioxidant defenses
  • Boosts metabolism and fat loss
  • Improves brain health and cognitive performance
  • Speeds wound healing and tissue repair
  • Improves muscle recovery and strength
  • Reduces swelling, inflammation and puffiness
  • Helps calm and soothe irritated and sensitive skin
  • Strengthens lymphatics
  • Enhances mood

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