The five golden rules for better business

Running a salon is no easy feat; and as business and technology evolve, so too does your need to ensure you’re staying on top. Here’s our round-up of the five factors you need to be nailing.


Get the tools you need
We know, salon equipment can come with a mammoth-sized price tag. And yet, being able to offer the services your clientele demands, is directly determined by whether you have said equipment.
Speak to suppliers about setting up a payment plan for the bigger pieces of equipment, or seek out a rental option. Flexi Commercial offers rentals on big-ticket items such as microdermabrasion equipment, laser hair removal and IP{L machines, massage beds, teeth whitening machines, the list goes on. It’s also not unheard of to find good-as-new options on second-hand sites such as Gumtree.

Dial up the customer experience
It starts the second they do a Google search for your services. Ensure you respond to any online enquiries, make it easy for clients to book an appointment (online booking portals are your friend), and get to know your client so you can offer a better, personally tailored service. Request new clients to complete a brief survey, canvassing their needs, and use their responses to upset products, alert them to relevant promotions and generally keep on top of their experience.

Take marketing seriously
Marketing isn’t a ‘maybe’ when it comes to putting your salon front and centre. Ensure you’re posting to your salon’s social media account on a daily basis (before-and-after photos are always impactful, as are promotions and deals), ensure your website is user-friendly and has an online booking option, as well as an easy-to-use ‘contact us’ form. Advertise online, and invite key media identities to trial new services – you never know, you could get featured in their publication.

Introduce the team meeting
Whether it’s daily or weekly, make it regular and make sure everyone on your staff attends. Discuss such items as bookings, cancellations, customer complaints and compliments. Use the meetings to discuss anything that’s concerning your team, and hash out solutions to any ongoing issues. Being transparent with your team, and allowing them a voice to be part of any solutions, will create a sense of belonging and respect for their workplace. By extension, you’ll likely notice a reduced rate of employee turnover.

Never stop learning
Beauty services and treatments are constantly changing, as are the ways in which we do business. Ensure that yourself and your team are constantly upskilling, allowing you to offer your clients the best and latest in techniques. In addition, as a business owner, ensure you’re up-to-the-minute on all things technology, employee engagement and customer satisfaction. Using the services of a mentor is also a beneficial idea – approach someone who has succeeded in business, that you admire, and use their experience to enhance your own.

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