How to build customer loyalty

It’s no secret that the key to a strong and stable salon is repeat bookings from customers. Sure, new clients are nice (amazing, even!), but our bread and butter comes from our regulars. But just howe do you turn a one-timer into a loyal regular?

Be accessible
Whether you’re open or locked down, your customers need to be able to reach you. Melburnians may want to know what they can do to care for their skin at home, or a Sydney-based client may want to discuss a reaction they’ve had after a treatment. “The tech-savvy generation is used to instant gratification,” says marketing expert, Jana Saville. “You will be judged by how quickly you respond, and how genuine that response it. Don’t leave people waiting overnight if their query can be answered that day. They want to feel like you’re there when they need you.”

Know them
You know what customers love? Feeling important enough to you, that you remember key information about them. “You know that feeling when a barrister remembers your latte order? The same goes for a customer that you remember hates the scent of lavender, but prefers the jazz soundtrack in the treatment room,” says Jana. “Essentially, you’re creating the feeling that this is their special place. They feel important there. You don’t easily walk away from a place that makes you feel like that.” And getting something like that organised is as easy as ensuring therapists input that information into a log after each client’s visit; and then have it attached to their profile on your system.

Be grateful
Just as it’s important to make your customers feel special in your salon, it’s imperative that you thank them for their business. “Their decision to spend their money with you, it’s what allows you to keep your lights on,” says Jana. “Not being openly grateful for that can be off-putting to a client.” Sending a personal email (not a one-size-fits-all eDM), thanking them for their service would be well received, sure, but a phone call, personally thanking them for their support that this time, and an invitation to receive a free add-on treatment next time they book in for their regular booking would no-doubt cement their loyalty.

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