Is your salon safe from cybercrime? Take the test

With the rate of cyber crime steadily increasing across all business sectors, including salons, the government has created a tool to check just how secure your business is. And given that approximately 160 cyber security incidents are reported daily, it’s a good idea to find out exactly where your salon stands when it comes to cyber security.

The Cyber Security Assessment Tool aims to identify your salon’s cyber security strengths and weaknesses, and give you guidelines on how to improve and thereby lessen your risk.

Taking about 20 minutes to complete, this tool will ask you a series of questions about how you manage your cyber security risks and based on your answers, you will receive a list of recommendations to action. You can download the recommendations as a PDF.

With a series of questions regarding topics such as the number of devices in your business and who has access to them, as well as your tendency to install updates and insist on individual passwords for staff members, the tool aims to get a thorough view of the manner in which your business utilises technology and how safely you guard your information.

The aim is to reduce the number of incidents regarding cyber security, as well as empower salon owners to not only understand the risks, but also be actively involved in safe-guarding their business.

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