1. Trudermal Pro LED, Trudermal, 0487 567 040
An impressive multi-use dome featuring red, blue and NIR lights to treat a range of skin conditions.

2. Dermalogica PROPen, Dermalogica, 1800 659 118
Up skin hydration levels with Deramalogica’s entry into the technology sphere – a professional-only, handheld device with nano fusion function.

3. Moor Spa Skin Health Analysis System, Encore Beauty, 02 9686 3488
Better judge skin conditions with this compact digital analysis system, which uses regular, polarised and
UV light to take six magnified (50x) images of your clients.

4. Asterasys Liftera, The Global Beauty Group, 03 8555 2246
A medical-grade, non-surgical HIFU device (ARTG #393230) that provides advanced treatments to lift, tighten, smooth, and sculpt the face and neck.

5. No More No-Shows eBook, Kitomba Salon and Spa Software
Features tips on writing cancellation policies, text reminder messages, loyalty programs, taking deposits, and ways to fill last-minute gaps in your appointment book.
Free download here.

6. Hydro Derma, SkinMed Australia, 1300 535 675
A multifunctional system combining hydrogen facial cleansing, needle-free transdermal delivery, electroporation infusion, and EMS therapy for deep skin hydration and rejuvenation.
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2024 print issue of Professional Beauty magazine. Read it here.
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