HABA: Public Holiday Clauses

Hair and Beauty Australia explains the recent changes to public holiday clauses.

Negotiate and plan your public holidays in advance
Negotiate and plan your public holidays in advance

As of October 1 2013 the Fair Work Commission handed down a decision to vary the Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010 in line with the award modernisation process.

A new clause has been added to the public holiday section which may be beneficial for some who are required to open on a public holiday.

Public holidays are required to be paid at a rate of 250% for full time, part time and casual employees. Under the new award structure, if an employer and employee mutually agree, employees may now be compensated by a time-in-lieu system by either:

1) Receiving an equivalent day or time off instead, without loss of pay. This day should be taken within four weeks of the public holiday occurring or,
2) An additional day or equivalent time is given as annual leave.

It is important that you and your employee discuss each public holiday and make a fresh choice for each situation. If no agreement can be reached and the employee is required to work they must be paid at 250%.

For more information visit www.hairandbeautyaustralia.com.au

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