Makeup professionals are learning that when it comes to their product choices, it truly pays to be kind, writes Nadia Stennett.

Whoever said, ‘It pays to be kind’ wasn’t just speaking figuratively.
In today’s professional makeup industry, kind cosmetics are becoming king, and ethically-minded clients are putting their money where their mouths are. In a recent study by Roy Morgan Australia, a whopping 43 per cent of beauty consumers said using products not tested on animals was a key factor behind their purchase choice. And public sentiment may soon become policy, with the Australian Labor Party already engaged in dialogue over phasing out the sale, manufacture and importation of cruelty free cosmetics.
But while some salons and professional beauty brands race to get on top of the trend, a brand that’s already winning is Australian owned professional makeup brand, ARTistHD, which took centre stage at the Miss Humanity International Pageant in Barbados, where ARTistHD brand ambassador and animal advocate Bonnie Stewart took out the crown of Queen of Oceania.
Designed for professional use in film and photography, all of the brand’s products are not tested on animals and many are vegan. And while the very word ‘vegan’ is a term few of us heard uttered a decade ago, recent years have seen products free of animal derivitives soar in popularity across a variety of markets as consumers become more educated and ethically minded about their purchases.
And clients are taking note of where businesses are investing. While many salons and professional brands offer cruelty free cosmetics, their involvement with less ethical endeavours may not put them in good stead with potential clients, so smart businesses today are focussing on a more synergistic approach.
ARTistHD’s partnership with the Miss Humanity initiative is an example of true synergy when it comes to co-branding. Miss Humanity Australia finalists actively advocate to cease cruelty to animals, and the brand’s cruelty-free, vegan stance is in complete alignment with their message. Brand ambassador and Queen of Oceania, Stewart will be a guest speaker representing ARTistHD Professional at the upcoming Beautiful You Australia expo.
To find out more about ARTistHD, visit
Have your say: Do you use cruelty free cosmetics in your business, and do you think your clients really care about how their products are made?