Ask HABA: Workplace Changes

HABA discuss employers’ obligations when it comes to change.


Is your business considering major workplace change? Is this workplace change likely to affect your staff members? Under the Fair Work Act employers have an obligation to provide notice and discuss changes before change it’s implemented.

Employers are required to notify employees if a definite decision to introduce a major workplace change (which may have significant effects on staff) has been made. This notification must be provided as soon as possible. Significant changes to employees include termination of employment and major changes to the composition of work, such as the size of the workforce or the skills required to undertake the duties. Furthermore, significant affects may relate to a salon restructure in which the hours of work or trade may be altering or if the salon is relocating to another location.

It is important employers discuss the changes taking place with the employees who may be affected as soon as practicable after a definite decision has been made. This discussion may help to prevent unnecessary stress to employees and prompt consideration should be given to any queries which may be raised by employees in relations to the change.

After the discussion, a written notice should be provided to all employees who are directly affected by the change. The written notice should include aspects such as the nature of the changes proposed, the expected impact to the employee and any other matters which may affect the employee, without disclosing any confidential information which may be against the employer’s interest.

Visit or call 1800 997 795 for further information.

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